This page is the home base of my various Blender video tutorials at YouTube. It is meant to be used as a reference in conjunction with any series I have there. Here I will provide setup information, shortcut keys and various notes about Blender. This section of Hi-Tech Headache will serve as my online journal as I learn and master this program.
Currently the only video series I have at YouTube is Blender Age Builders. That page will be merged with this one. Later I plan to start using Blender with either the UDK (Unreal Development Kit), CryEngine Sandbox or Unity 3D. Or maybe even all three. Nothing is for certain yet. I am going to focus on learning Blender for now, following Neal Hirsig's excellent tutorials.
All of the information provided here assumes a certain configuration for both Blender 2.49b and Blender 2.67+ on a Windows 7 64-bit system. I use the 64-bit version of Blender 2.67+ and the 32-bit version of Blender 2.49b. I have both installed, one as Blender x32 and the other as Blender x64. This setup is currently detailed in Blender Age Builders Tutorial 01 which is below.
I have also changed the default selection mode to the LMB (Left Mouse Button) for both versions of Blender. The default is the RMB (Right Mouse Button.) So you may safely assume in most cases of RMB and LMB listings that if you are using the default settings these are reversed.
Blender Age Builders
NOTE: The in-game scenes did not record in my Blender Age Builder video tutorial series. I do not know if it is the same for all the videos or just the one I discovered today. I am sorry. I am returning to these 2-3 years later and yes, I see that, for some reason, you can not see the in-game parts. I have set the intention to update this tutorial series this winter, no later than my graduation next year.
3D Design Course
List of Releases
Guild of Writers
Blender Age Builders Thread
Checking Scale
PyPRP - Downloads
PyPRP - Installing
Python Imaging Library (PIL)
UAM Wiki
Creating Ages
Uru Complete Chronicles
Shortcut Keys (Blender 2.5+)
ALT - Alternative Key
CTRL - Control Key
NUM - Numpad Key
P&H - Press and Hold
P&R - Press and Release AKA Tap
UA - Up Arrow
DA - Down Arrow
LA - Left Arrow
RA - Right Arrow
+ Along With
P&H the First Key in the chain, then P&R the Second.
-> Followed By
P&R the First Key in the chain, then P&H the Second.
LMB - Left Mouse Button
MMB - Middle Mouse Button
MMD - Middle Mouse Drag
MWD - Mouse Wheel Up
MWU - Mouse Wheel Down
RMB - Right Mouse Button
HOME - Zoom Extends All
Places all objects in view.
MMB + Drag - Rotate View
Shift + MMB + Drag - Pan View
MWD or - = Zoom Out
MWU or + = Zoom In
CTRL+ MWU - Pan View Left
CTRL+ MWD - Pan View Right
Shift+ MWU - Pan View Down
Shift+ MWD - Pan View Up
NUM2 - Orbit View Up
NUM4 - Orbit View Left
NUM6 - Orbit View Right
NUM8 - Orbit View Down
CTRL + NUM2 - Pan View Up
CTRL + NUM4 - Pan View Left
CTRL + NUM6 - Pan View Right
CTRL + NUM8 - Pan View Down
Shift+ C - Center View and 3D Cursor
ALT + C - Convert Menu
ALT+ E - Extrude Menu
CTRL + V - Vertex Menu
CTRL + E - Edge Menu
CTRL + F - Face Menu
N - Toggle Properties Menu (Blender 2.50+)
P - Separate Menu
T - Toggle Tools Menu (Blender 2.50+)
W - Specials Menu
Includes Bridge tool, Merge Vertices, Remove Doubles etc.
Shift+ A - Add Object Menu
Shift + S - Snap Menu
TIP: If you want to put an object or even the 3D cursor on the grid, use this!
Shift + CTRL + ALT + C - Set Origin Menu
Note: For all menus simply move the cursor off them or press ESC to exit.
Edit Mode
TAB - Toggles between Object and Edit Mode
CTRL + TAB - Mesh Select Mode
Toggles between Vertex, Edge and Face Modes. Press and hold Shift to select multiple modes at once.
ALT+ R - Spin Tool
J - Join Selection
Z - Toggle Wireframe Mode
Object Mode
TAB - Toggles between Object and Edit Mode
CTRL + TAB - Weight Paint Mode
Toggles between Object and Weight Paint Modes.
ALT + R - Clear all Rotations
ALT + S - Clear all Scaling
CTRL + J - Join Selections
Z - Toggle Wireframe Mode
CTRL + M -> X, Y, Z - Mirror
Mirrors an object along the selected axis, left click to confirm.CTRL + Z - Undo
CTRL + Shift + Z - Redo
CTRL -> RMB - Extrude
As long as you are P&H CTRL you can extrude vertices, edges or faces all over the place. P&R RMB to set the extrusion and continue extruding. Release CTRL to exit. In the 3D view you can make all sorts of weird geometry with this!
ESC - Cancel an Action
You can also cancel by pressing the opposite of the confirm mouse button, which in my case is RMB.
E - Extrude Region
ALT + E - Extrude
Immediately enters Grab Mode if extruding individually, confirm final placement with LMB. Press and hold CTRL to extrude along the grid. P&R X, Y or Z to extrude along that axis. Type in a number, negative or positive, to move an extrusion a certain amount of Blender Units then confirm by P&R Enter. These operations can be combined. A regional extrusion is constrained to the direction of its normal.
F - NGON or Face Fill
This creates edges in Vertex Editing Mode and faces in Face and Edge Editing Modes.
ALT+ F - Triangle Fill
G - Grab
G -> CTRL - Move along the Grid
If Grid Snap is On, this will cancel snapping as long as CTRL is pressed.
G -> Shift - Finely Move
G -> CTRL+ SHIFT - Finely move along the Grid
Also seems to work as Shift+ CTRL.
M - Move To Layer
Shift + M - Move To Multiple Layers
R - Rotate
R -> CTRL - Rotate along the Grid
If Grid Snap is On, this will cancel snapping as long as CTRL is pressed.
R -> Shift - Finely Rotate
S - Scale
S -> CTRL - Scale along the Grid
If Grid Snap is On, this will cancel snapping as long as CTRL is pressed.
S -> Shift - Finely Scale
X - Delete Selections
Shift + D - Duplicate
ALT + D - Linked Duplicate Object
A - Toggles between Select All and Select None
Alt + LMB - Select a horizontal or vertical loop of vertices, edges or faces.
Click to the left or right side of a vertex, edge or face for a horizontal selection. Click above or below a vertex, edge or face for a vertical selection. P&H Shift for multiple selections or to remove a selection.
CTRL + Alt + LMB - Select a horizontal or vertical ring of vertices, edges or faces.
This is similar to the previous selection mode. This one will select all the horizontal or vertical edges depending on where you click, and in Vertex Mod it selects an additional row of vertices. Click to the left or right side of a vertex, edge or face for a horizontal selection. Click above or below a vertex, edge or face for a vertical selection. P&H Shift for multiple selections or to remove a selection.
B -> Drag - Box Selection Mode
Press B then Left Click and Drag to Select. Exits on release of LMB.
C -> MWU or MWD - Circle Selection Mode
Press C then MWU or MWD to control the size of the circle. Right Click to exit.
C -> Left Click - Paint Selection Mode
This puts circle selection into a painting mode. Right Click to exit.
CTRL + LMB -> Drag - Lasso Selection Mode
SHIFT + LMB - Select Multiple Objects (while holding Shift)
Click on a selected object twice to deselect it.
K - Knife Tool
Shift + K - Selection Knife Tool
V - Rip Tool
Immediately enters Grab Mode and rips a vertex or edge from a mesh in the direction of the mouse cursor. Press and hold CTRL to rip along the grid. P&R X, Y or Z to rip along that axis. Type in a number, negative or positive, to rip a certain amount of Blender Units then confirm by P&R Enter. These operations can be combined.
ALT + CTRL + Q - Quad View
NUM. - Toggle Center View on Selected Object
This is Numpad Period.
NUM/ - Toggle Center View and Isolate Selection
This is Numpad Slash, it hides all other objects.
NUM0 - Camera View
NUM1 - Front View
NUM3 - Right Side View
NUM5 - Toggle between Perspective and Orthographic View
NUM7 - Top View
CTRL+ NUM1 - Back View
CTRL+ NUM3 - Left Side View
CTRL+ NUM7 - Bottom View
Shortcut Keys (Blender 2.49)
HOME - Zoom Extends All
Places all objects in view.
MMB + Drag - Rotate View
Remember it is Trackball by default!
Shift + MMB + Drag - Pan View
MWD or - = Zoom Out
MWU or + = Zoom In
CTRL + ALT + NUM0 - Move Active Camera To View
This snaps the camera to where you are viewing your scene.
CTRL+ MWU - Pan View Left
CTRL+ MWD - Pan View Right
Shift+ MWU - Pan View Down
Shift+ MWD - Pan View Up
NUM2 - Orbit View Up
NUM4 - Orbit View Left
NUM6 - Orbit View Right
NUM8 - Orbit View Down
CTRL + NUM2 - Pan View Up
CTRL + NUM4 - Pan View Left
CTRL + NUM6 - Pan View Right
CTRL + NUM8 - Pan View Down
C - Center View On 3D Cursor
Shift+ C - Center View and 3D Cursor
ALT + C - Convert Menu
ALT + E - Extrude Menu
CTRL + V - Vertex Specials Menu
CTRL + E - Edge Specials Menu
CTRL + F - Face Specials Menu
K - Loop/Cut Menu
Shift + K - Cut Type Menu
N - Transform Properties Menu
P - Separate Menu
W - Specials Menu
Includes Bridge tool, Merge Vertices, Remove Doubles etc.
Spacebar - Add Menu
Shift + S - Snap Menu
TIP: If you want to put an object or even the 3D cursor on the grid, use this!
Shift + CTRL + ALT + C - Set Origin Menu
Note: To close a menu click on the top x or press the shortcut key again.
Edit Mode
TAB - Toggles between Object and Edit Mode
CTRL + TAB - Mesh Select Mode
Toggles between Vertex, Edge and Face Modes. Press and hold Shift to select multiple modes at once.
ALT+ R - Spin Tool
CTRL + J - Join Selections
Z - Toggle Wireframe Mode
Object Mode
TAB - Toggles between Object and Edit Mode
CTRL + TAB - Weight Paint Mode
Toggles between Object and Weight Paint Modes.
ALT + R - Clear Rotations
ALT + S - Clear Scaling
CTRL + J - Join Selections
Z - Toggle Wireframe Mode
CTRL + M -> X, Y, Z - Mirror
Mirrors an object along the selected axis, left click to confirm.CTRL + Z - Undo
CTRL + Shift + Z - Redo
CTRL -> RMB - Extrude
As long as you are P&H CTRL you can extrude vertices, edges or faces all over the place. P&R RMB to set the extrusion and continue extruding. Release CTRL to exit. In the 3D view you can make all sorts of weird geometry with this!
ESC - Cancel an Action
You can also cancel by pressing the opposite of the confirm mouse button, which in my case is RMB.
E - Extrude
Immediately enters Grab Mode, confirm final placement with LMB. Press and hold CTRL to extrude along the grid. P&R X, Y or Z to extrude along that axis. Type in a number, negative or positive, to move an extrusion a certain amount of Blender Units then confirm by P&R Enter. These operations can be combined. A regional extrusion is constrained to the direction of its normal.
H - Hide Selection
ALT + H - Unhide Selection
F - Create Face (or NGON)
This creates edges in Vertex Editing Mode and faces in Face and Edge Editing Modes. It allows you to create faces where you have an even number of vertices on each side.
SHIFT + F - Fill
This creates a triangular fill. It allows you to create faces where you have an uneven number of vertices on each side.
ALT + F - Beauty Fill
This allows you to beautify a newly added fill, essentially cleaning it up.
G - Grab
G -> CTRL - Move along the Grid
If Grid Snap is On, this will cancel snapping as long as CTRL is pressed.
G -> Shift - Finely Move
G -> CTRL+ SHIFT - Finely move along the Grid
Also seems to work as Shift+ CTRL.
M - Move To Layer
Shift + M - Move To Multiple Layers
R - Rotate
R -> CTRL - Rotate along the Grid
If Grid Snap is On, this will cancel snapping as long as CTRL is pressed.
R -> Shift - Finely Rotate
S - Scale
S -> CTRL - Scale along the Grid
If Grid Snap is On, this will cancel snapping as long as CTRL is pressed.
S -> Shift - Finely Scale
X - Delete Selection
Shift + D - Duplicate ALT + D - Linked Duplicate Object
A - Toggles between Select All and Select None
CTRL + Alt + LMB - Select a horizontal or vertical ring of vertices, edges or faces.
This is similar to the previous selection mode. This one will select all the horizontal or vertical edges depending on where you click, and in Vertex Mod it selects an additional row of vertices. Click to the left or right side of a vertex, edge or face for a horizontal selection. Click above or below a vertex, edge or face for a vertical selection. P&H Shift for multiple selections or to remove a selection.
B -> Drag - Box Selection Mode
Press B then Left Click and Drag to Select. Exits on release of LMB.
SHIFT + LMB - Select Multiple Objects (while holding Shift)
Click on a selected object twice to deselect it.
ALT + LMB - Select Loop
In Vertex, Edge and Face Mode. Only works on loops that have been created in a mesh.
V - Rip Tool
Edge Mode only. Immediately enters Grab Mode and rips a vertex or edge from a mesh in the direction of the mouse cursor. Press and hold CTRL to rip along the grid. P&R X, Y or Z to rip along that axis. Type in a number, negative or positive, to rip a certain amount of Blender Units then confirm by P&R Enter. These operations can be combined.
UV Image Editor
. - Scale Up From Cursor
B - Box Select
B -> B - Circle or Paint Select
B -> P&H MMD - Box and Circle/Paint Deselect
This will deselect all Box or Circle/Paint Mode selections.
E - Unwrap
G - Grab mode
G -> Shift - Select Multiple
N - Image Properties
O - Proportional Editing Mode
This is a way to quickly move large areas of interconnected vertices.
O -> MWU or MWD - Increase/Decrease Area Effect
This increase or decreases the affected area of the proportional edit.
R - Rotate
R -> X, Y or Z - Rotate Along The X, Y, or Z Axis
Immediately rotates freely (default.) Press CTRL to rotate along the grid, or type a number to rotate an exact amount. Left Click or press Enter to confirm!
S - Scale
S -> X, Y or Z - Scale Along The X, Y, or Z Axis
Immediately scales freely (default.) Press CTRL to rotate along the grid, or type a number to rotate an exact amount. Left Click or press Enter to confirm!
CTRL - Snap
CTRL + L - Select Linked Vertices
TIP: You can use the 3D cursor to snap multiple selected vertices to the exact same location! If you use the View Properties you can even place the 3D cursor manually and exactly on the grid!
NUM. - Toggle Center View on Selected Object
This is Numpad Period.
NUM/ - Local Mode
This is Numpad Slash. It hides everything but the selection.
NUM0 - Camera View
NUM1 - Front View
NUM3 - Right Side View
NUM5 - Toggle between Perspective and Orthographic View
NUM7 - Top View
CTRL+ NUM1 - Back View
CTRL+ NUM3 - Left Side View
CTRL+ NUM7 - Bottom View
CTRL + UA or DA - Maximize/Minimize View
CTRL + LA or RA - Cycle Between Desktop Types
Random Notes
To create a new layout for yourself and save it as the default file when you load Blender, here is what you do (Blender 2.76):
1. Click on the plus in the box next to Help near the top-left of the Blender workspace. This will add a new layout, probably named Default0001. Change that to any name you like and press Enter.
2. Go to File/Save and save this file, in the folder where you want your Blender Scene files, as startup.blend.
3. Next to go File/Save Startup File. Do not move your cursor, as a box will appear under it. Simply left click. Alternatively press CTRL+U.
4. Exit Blender and reload. You should see the name of your layout instead of the word default, and if you have changed anything in the interface, these changes will remain.
Export/Import Collada dae 1.4** (clear scene fails!)
Snapping in Top Orthographic View does not necessarily snap where you think.
If you are in the Edit Mode of an object, you will not be able to work with another object until you TAB into Object Mode.
If you want to select everything in a selected area you need to press the "Limit Selection to Visible" button, located in the window header in Edit Mode. If it is light colored it is not activated, and you can select all the items in a selection. If it is a dark color it is activated and will limit your selection to only what is on top.
If you would like to use the Number Keys for the views instead of the Numpad Keys (laptop users) you can change this in User Preferences/Input by checking the Emulate Numpad box.
For all key chains, such as CTRL + NUM1, you must P&H the first key, then P&R the second, and finally release the first key! So in the key chain CTRL + NUM1, P&H CTRL, P&R NUM1, then release CTRL.
In key chains such as G -> CTRL you tap or P&R G to enter Grab Mode, then you P&H CTRL as long as you want to snap to the grid, or if grid snaps is on, then as long as you don't want to snap to the grid.
Many actions require confirmation to complete the action. Such as pressing G to grab an object will keep the object in Grab Mode, moving around with your cursor, until you Left Click or press Enter to finalize the action. In the case if Grab you press G to move an object where you want, and then when you have it there, you Left Click to complete the movement.
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