Friday, March 22, 2019

Save the Save The Internet Act!

It currently says this livestream is scheduled for March 26th:

The source page is here, at Fight for the Future:

OK, so what is going on here? Didn't we pass Net Neutrality laws over a year ago? Well, we did. The people spoke loud and clear, and our government passed the proposed bill. But a man named Ajit Pai, the Chairman of the FCC, basically reversed the decision. It has since come to light that he was working on behalf of what FFTF (Fight for the Future) calls Big Cable.

The end result is that the Net Neutrality laws we asked for and voted for were thrown out. Now there is a new bill called the, "Save The Internet Act" which will be voted on my congress in the next few days. Big Cable is trying to add some amendments to the bill that would ruin it, and we need to join together, in a, "The Internet is watching You" movement to be sure that the bill is passed unaltered.

Why is this important you ask? If you have Netflix look up a series called Adam Ruins Everything. In that series is an episode that broaches, lightly, on this subject. All backed up by legitimate research. Basically America has the slowest and most expensive internet of any developed country. This has occurred due to a variety of mistakes our government has made, including allowing cable companies to merge instead of promoting healthy competition.

Basically, in some areas of America, you only have Comcast to choose from, or Verizon. And these companies want to throttle your internet usage even more to give priority to businesses and companies that pay more. Comcast has already been monitoring its customers, as you may know. All these things that Big Cable have been doing, and want to do in the future, will serve only to slow down the internet even more, and, make it even more expensive.

You don't have to just accept things as they are. You don't have to resign yourself to slow internet speeds and high internet access prices. You don't have to just take it. You are the customer, and there are more of you than there are people working for Comcast, Verizon and other big cable companies. You have choices. You could boycott Big Cable. Or you could fight back in other ways, and showing your support for the Save The Internet Act is one way in which you can do this.

The details are on Fight for the Future's main page:

Share the link to this livestream with your social media connections. Get the word out there. Donate even a dollar or two if you have that to spare. Whatever you can do to get the word out, and help the folks at FFTF get the word out, do it. And make it clear to your government - the folks representing the area where you live - that you want this bill to be passed, unaltered.

Here is a link to their social media materials:

More information here: