Friday, November 16, 2018

Bullshit In Hollywood...

So I am going to cover a lot of bases here, and talk about a lot of things that have been bothering me. First up is Clayne Crawford being forced out of the Lethal Weapon series. Watch this video:

The important part here is something I have never seen before. It's a recording from on-set, a conversation between Wayans and Crawford, and it pretty much tells the whole story. I wish we could get more material like this! Basically it looks like Damon wanted to be the front man, but didn't want to put in the work. Meanwhile Crawford was writing the episodes, working with the stunt crew, and pretty much carrying the whole show. Yet they kick him out, without giving any sort of proper notice, and now they may attempting to blackball the man.

I wish that there was some way we could get together and hold not only Wayans, but everyone in charge who supported him, accountable for their actions. What they have done to Crawford, who is such a good actor we never got a hint of what was going on during the show, is inexcusable. It is Wayans who made the environment toxic, Wayans who didn't want to show up for the action scenes, and Wayans who never really wanted to be on the show in the first place. Wayans should have been kicked out, and Wayans should be blackballed, not Crawford! To add insult to injury, Wayans has up and quit at after finishing the last episode of season 3. So why did they have to kick Crawford out in the first place, and what is keeping them from bringing him back?

I don't know about you, but I am done with Lethal Weapon at the end of season 2. I am also going to look for petitions to sign to bring Crawford back and right the wrongs that have been done here. Here are some petitions:

You can hear from Crawford himself all of the shit they (Damon Wayans and those in charge) did to him in this video:

Next up is the series NCIS. We are being lied to, AGAIN, about Pauley Perrette. Someone started a rumor she left for a skin care line, which she has emphatically stated is not true. Others are saying that she has said, much like Michael Weatherly, that she just felt it was time to move on. But another rumor I can not yet validate says she left over a conflict between her and the only remaining main character, Mark Harmon. This rumor is supported by the fact that Perrette did not appear in any of the scenes with Harmon in her final episode.

The conflict was apparently over a dog that Harmon insisted on bringing to the set, that bit someone. Maybe that was a part of it, but it doesn't seem to me as if that would be enough. My guess is where we should be looking is squarely at Mark Harmon. He is the common denominator in all those who have left the show. I suspect he is behind the poor script writing for the character Ziva, causing Cote de Pablo to quit, and I would not be surprised that both Perrette and Weatherly finally had enough of his crap and just quit. I suspect that the character Ducky, played by David McCallum, is leaving next.

I have never been a big fan of NCIS. But I have watched a lot with my mother. I have always admired the character Gibbs. But its sad to now suspect that Mark Harmon is nothing like the character he portrays, that he may in fact be a bully, a sexist and a bad script writer to boot. I think its time to send him his walking papers and shut NCIS down, do another spin-off series in the same way NCIS was spun off of Jag, so they can have a new series with a similar theme and fresh actors.

Finally the most important news is that Stan Lee is dead. I mentioned somewhere about how it was rumored he was being treated. I guess his fight is over, I hope that the parties responsible are found out and legally dealt with. I am not saying Lee was murdered, but I am pretty sure when an old man says something like, "I just want to die" there are people behind it, draining him of the will to live. I think that is what happened here. Lee just gave up.

He has given us so many wonderful superheros, and I have enjoyed his many cameos over the years. I wish I could have met him. I wish I had been able to help him through what looked like a tough time, surrounded by scheming relatives and in-laws that wanted his money. But he is at peace now, in a better place, and they can't hurt him anymore.

I wish I had more power, in fact that we had more power, to step into situations like these and throw our weight around, to make things change. All we have is our petitions and maybe our blog posts and videos, for anyone who watches them. But it's not enough. Too many things are being done, have been done, that I know I do not approve of, and I am pretty sure I am not alone. I wish those of us who care had a say, had real authority, and the kind of money and legal power that we could open an investigation, find the guilty parties, and punish them according to their crimes. Maybe they haven't broken the law, but they have broken our trust, and they should have to answer for that.

RIP Stan Lee.